Whether you are ensure personal safety with firearms is a never ending debate. While gun owners often say that they feel safe using personal safety equipment and firearms, others claim that it is risky and should be avoided.
Nevertheless, one thing is certain, if you own a firearm, you must know how to handle it responsibly. There are shooting ranges for training and practice that will help you and those around you safe. In this blog, we will discuss how you can train for personal safety with firearms. Let’s dive in.
Tips to Personal Safety with Firearms
If you tend to only read the first two paragraphs of an article, let me get to the point right away: keep practicing regularly; have a deep understanding of the weapon systems in use; prioritize safety as your main focus, and conduct your own research from credible sources—don’t depend on what you find on an internet forum.
Numerous misconceptions exist, as Goliath industries, we believe it is our duty to clarify myths and share helpful tips to guide those who need it.
Once more, even if you possess considerable experience as a gun owner, the information provided below is relevant to you as well.
Let’s begin by examining the “10 Rules of Safe Gun Handling” as outlined by the National Shooting Sports Foundation. These guidelines must be strictly adhered to regardless of the owner’s level of experience. Comprehensive details regarding each of these regulations are available at NSSF.

- Always maintain the muzzle aimed in a secure direction.
- Guns must be emptied when they are not in active use.
- Do not depend on the “safety” feature of your firearm.
- Make sure to identify your goal and what lies beyond it.
- Utilize proper ammunition.
- If your firearm does not discharge when the trigger is pulled, exercise caution!
- Always use eye and ear protection while shooting.
- Ensure that the barrel is free from blockages before firing.
- Refrain from changing or modifying your firearm, and ensure your guns are serviced consistently.
- Understand the mechanical and handling features of the firearm you are utilizing.
One thing that I am going to add to this list is “proper storage.” If you have kids in the house, it is your responsibility to ensure your personal safety equipment and firearms are out of the children’s grasp.
So, it is best to invest in a gun safe or two. Besides ensuring child safety, safes offer a method to arrange your firearms and prevent theft. The kind of gun safe you choose will depend on your lifestyle and what you consider an acceptable balance of preparedness and risk.
​​The Importance of Shooting Ranges for Training and Practice
One of the best ways to ensure personal safety with firearms is by regularly practicing at a high-quality shooting range. Whether you’re a beginner learning the basics or an experienced shooter honing your skills, shooting ranges provide a safe, controlled environment for firearm training.
At a reputable shooting range, you can:
- Improve accuracy through target practice and drills.
- Build muscle memory by handling your firearm under supervised conditions.
- Train under varied scenarios, including low-light and moving target situations.
- Receive expert guidance from certified instructors.
- Learn proper reloading techniques and defensive shooting strategies.
A good shooting range is not just about shooting at targets—it’s about developing the confidence and discipline necessary to handle firearms safely and effectively in real-world situations.
Ensuring personal safety with firearms with firearms is a continuous process, and safety should always come first. Whether you’re looking to improve your marksmanship, learn self-defense strategies, or gain confidence in carrying a firearm, proper training and regular practice at a shooting range are essential.
If you’re in Arizona and want professional firearm training, consider taking the Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) class at Goliath Industries. Their experienced instructors will ensure that you understand firearm laws, safety principles, and proper techniques—giving you the skills and confidence to carry responsibly.